Year in Review

A look back on the eventful year SASE had in 2022-2023...

To view the entire album for a particular event, please click on its Event Card below!

SASE's Final/End-of-Year GBM

As the year winds down, we enjoyed celebrating our Seniors graduating and moving on the bigger and greater things! Everyone enjoyed the Spongebob-Squarepants theme and the Senior Superlative Paper Plates! From all of us on the SASE Officer Board 2022-2023, it's been a great honor to serve this VT Chapter this year, and we look forward to seeing what next year holds!

SASE's Spring Gala

Gala hosted this year was off-the-charts! Everyone from freshman, upperclassmen, to alumni showed up! A banquet filled with delicious food, sponsored by Lin Yue Chuan, as well as excelling & outstanding performances by many SASE members! All of enjoyed the night alongside old friends as well as had the opportunity to meet some new ones too!

SASE at AASU Coffeenight

Wow! We saw a great amount of wonderful performances from our very own members as well ones from other Asian organizations! The talent was off the chart! All of our members were shocked at the amount of skill and dedication displayed in the performances!

SASE's 2nd Mentor-Mentee GBM

Spring has come! Cherry blossoms, beautiful nature outside, and the warm weather is here to stay! But also it brings human Bop-It and Origami? This GBM was full of excitement and delightful surprises!

SASE's Lunar New Year GBM (Image 1)

We welcome our new SASE Interns for the spring semester! The entire SASE officer board wishes you a Happy Lunar New Year 2023!

SASE's Lunar New Year GBM (Image 2)

Our members enjoying the new year, welcoming all of its joys and surprises!

SASE's Lunar New Year GBM (Image 3)

Our wonderful Internal Vice-President Seneca tests egg-protecting contraptions made by each of the groups! Most do not succeed, but it's the effort that counts here!👍


A night where we hear our wonderful President Duy read an interesting MadLibs around a roaring fire!

SASE's Halloween GBM

BOO! A night for all members to enjoy dress up in costumes, enjoy great tasing candy, and spookiness & surprises!

SASE's Mentor & Mentee Reveal

This is it! The moment you have been waiting for...a night to love and happiness as SASE lineages grow! New and previous SASE mentors meet their new mentees!

SASE's Mentor & Mentee Bonding Week (Outdoor Picnic)

A warm afternoon for mentors & mentees to enjoy the summer-like atmosphere, relax from studying and the other stresses of the life, and play sports as well as talk with their future SASE lineage members!

SASE's Mentor & Mentee Bonding Week (Scavenger Hunt)

An afternoon of bonding with your SASE mentors/mentees/linage siblings through solving puzzles and looking for clues in a rigorous scavenger hunt!

SASE's Mentor & Mentee Bonding Week (Game Night)

A night of fun playing classic video games and board games with their potential SASE mentors/mentees/linage siblings!

SASE's Mentor & Mentee Bonding Week (Speed Dating)

All of the nervous mentees and anxious mentors are going around to talk and eventually join/build their respective lineages!

SASE's Back to School GBM

Members enjoying seeing their friends and peers with the beginning of a new school year through an epic Marshmellow Tower Building Game!

A Message to Our Previous Officer Board (2021-2022)

We would like to honor our last year (2021-2022) SASE Officer Board for their hard work and dedication under our lovely, former President Fiona Tran! This year would not have been great without their support and sacrifice!